Thursday 2 January 2014

New Years Resolutions

Now I've never really been any good with resolutions, particularly because I never smoked, never really drank, was always fairly fit so could never really think of anything I could do.

This year I have come across the 52 week saving plan. Now ignoring the fact that the link is in dollars,  in pounds it's still a fantastic sum of money.

The aim being each week you save an amount, generally £1 in week 1, £2 in week 2 etc, but you get to Christmas and you are looking at £200 a month.

The plan I linked to allows you flexibility to pick and choose which amount you save each week, so those weeks where you are more flush, you cross that off.

Sounds good doesn't it?

This is my challenge this year, I'm on a very tight budget at the moment, but I am confident that I can do this. I want to be able to go on a holiday.

Let me know if you decide to do it, and I will keep you posted with how I'm doing.

Good luck!

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