Tuesday 17 December 2013

A dip, but where is my pizza?

Now there is a phrase I never thought I would say to a delivery driver.  I think this is honestly the most ridiculous situation I have ever been in. 

Last Friday I honestly thought I was being pranked. I ordered myself a dominos and waited for it to be delivered. Spendng £9.99 to mean I ddnt have to leave the house. 

The delivery driver arrived, opened the bag the pizzas come in and handed me a dip. A dip! Only a dip. 
He then proceeds to ask is that everything... Er no, I've not paid £9.99 for a dip. I didn't even get a pizza box, just a dip.  Going through my mind I'm thinking "this guy is totally having me on isn't he..." 
When I say no, I ordered a pizza he proceeds to search through this flat bag that I can totally see is empty, it was comical the way he runs his hands through it, in the way you search your bag for the house keys. 

He then says he will have to get them to make me a new pizza up, and goes to phone, only he rings my mobile, and proceeds to get ratty when I say I am not dominos, you've dialled the wrong number! 

I eventually get a pizza, no word of apology about the whole episode, although it is cold an unappetising... I have no idea how long it has been out for, and I try to phone up the store to complain about the whole farce, but I get hung up on when I ask to speak to the manager. 

I tweeted my annoyance and complaint, and was asked to write to customer services, which I did, and received a reply telling me to speak to the store manager.... Well I tried but got hung up on. It's not like I want to try that again, and even more annoyingly I said in my email that I had tried to speak to the mangager so it seems to me, my email was not read properly and instead a generic send to all email sent out.  

I don't know what makes me more of an unhappy customer, the original, here is your order; dip but no pizza saga, or the robotic uncaring manner within which Dominos customer services seems to operate. I have also noted that on twitter, dominos does not reply to tweets, it writes a new message @ the person who has tweeted them, meaning other people cannot see what dominos are corresponding about without a bit of faffing round.  Clever and sneaky. 

The whole thing is ridiculous, and it would probably be a bit funny if the pizza wasn't so expensive. 

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