Saturday, 11 January 2014


Scanxiety (noun) -  the tension felt by cancer patients regarding upcoming scans and results. 

It's that time again, every 3 months I have to go and have an MRI scan to check to see if my cancer has returned or spread.  

Because I am sensitive to radiation every 6-9 months I will have a CT scan too. 

Things were just getting back on track and I got home to the letter with the highly recognisable postmark, initially I thought it was my op date, but the envelope was too thin, shame really. Opened it up, and yes, my quarterly reminder that I had cancer/there were areas of suspicion on my last scans. 

In a way, I find the scans fairly easy, I don't have to do anything, except try and hold still for an hour, (easier said than done when you are a fidget mind) the results are a different ball game, two hour train to the hospital, up to 3 hour sit in clinic (like last time) which is a long time to be with your thoughts, never mind the time between scan and appointment which for me is around 3-4 weeks, because my scans go through a number of very separate MDT meetings (multi discipline team- surgeon, oncologists etc sit in on these meetings to discuss cases) 

Even though this will be my 3rd? It's not got much easier, but I've got to get used to it, it is part of my life now. 

As a side note, I saw this on Facebook today, I was rendered speechless. A patient with Ewing's Sarcoma, has been told by DWP she caused her own illness. 

DWP blames Ewing's patient for her illness  

The only words I can think of to use, my mum would disapprove of me using, but it really makes me mad. Cancer is an expensive business, I've burned through all my savings on general living expenses this last year, because my SSP and now ESA assessment rate doesn't get me anywhere. 

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