Yes I've has cancer,and while the effects of that are frankly pretty rubbish it's opened doors to me, it's shown he who my friends are and helped me find new ones through the sarcoma online support group. Being able to express yourself and get out those emotions and worries is essential to emotional wellbeing, (something I wasn't very good at initially)
I have also come across Shine, which is a support network for younger adults with cancer. I'm looking forward to meeting some of those people next week, which will be nice after chatting online.
So onto positive things of the year include:
Two of my best friends have got married (to different people not each other)
Three of my best friends have welcomed 4 babies into the world
My cousin welcoming a little girl into the world.
Catching up with a friend I've not heard from in a long time
Achievements of the year include : (yes they are mainly sarcoma centric)
Sitting up for the first time unaided.
Managing to stand and walk to the end of my bed
Taking my first shower unaided
Putting on my own socks
Making my own lunch (even though I did drop it on the floor walking to the table)
Not having a panic attack in the MRI!
There is a long way to go, but I'm getting there. 2014 is going to be a positive year, yes there is more surgery to come, but I'm now under the care of the therapy teams I need to be to ensure I get the best of my surgery and the best possible outcomes.